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if Standing closer to the train, why we are pushing towards the train????

if Standing closer to the train, we are pushing towards the train, so why does it happen? Before understanding this concept, it is very important to know the two laws of physics.
1. Pascal's law: - Pascal law tells us that if the Velocity of air is the same around us, So we will get equal pressure from all around.
2. Bernoulli's principle: - Bernoulli's theory states that if the velocity increases, the pressure decreases and if pressure increases Velocity  decreases, that is, pressure and Velocity are inversely proportional of each other.

Now if you are standing on the platform and no train is going from there. It means the air is the same around you, then you will get the same pressure from all sides. But as soon as the train passes near you, the air on the side of the moving train changes its velocity Because the wind on that side will increase due to moving train. we have just read that if the velocity increases, the pressure decreases. Then the pressure of air on the side of the train will decrease and due to low pressure, We will be pushing towards the train. By the way, this pressure is low. But still, we should always stand behind the yellow line of the platform.


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